Instantly Yours

Instantly yours try on

bring in the favorites

ready to say yes to an instantly yours gown but want to try on?

We now offer a try on, that allows a few gowns to shipped to our flagship store, Clarice's Bridal!

the fee is $50 to ship in 3 try-on gowns! This fee covers the shipping since all sale gowns are kept at an off-site location for safe keeping.

Email gown selections here

about instantly yours

 Discover your perfect gown from the comfort of your home with Instantly Yours by Clarice's Bridal. Our carefully curated collection features both new-with-tags and gently loved sample gowns,

all available for immediate purchase. With ready-to-ship sale gowns available, you can enjoy exceptional pricing and quick turnaround times—perfect for brides with tight timelines.

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